Hi everyone, I’m an indie developer. I recently developed a project called [Product Graveyard], which aims to provide a place for independent developers to store their failed products.

Its function is very simple. After you register an account, you can publish your product information, including name, introduction, current product’s death status (nearly dead, dead?), and then fill in your experience and summary of this product. Then you will have your own homepage where you can display your failed projects to the outside world.

My original intention in building this product is this:

  1. Each of your products is a collection of your unique ideas, which is very meaningful in itself, at least to you.

  2. You put a lot of effort into each of your products. Although it failed, it deserves to be remembered.

  3. Falling out of love is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you are still in love without a new beginning. The same goes for making products. If a product fails, give it a special ceremony and then start again.

What makes me sad is that when I showed the product to some friends (from Twitter, social groups), they were not very optimistic about my product. They said it was a product that no one needed.

All I want to ask is, will you find a place to store your failed products?