I have a strong passion for entrepreneurship and plan on doing a lot in my life but I. Can’t seem to shake the fact that many of history’s greatest entrepreneurs seemed like total assholes and become extremely evil men who don’t care about any one but themselves and world domination. My examples are John d Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan I just have a massive fear that if I take this career path I will become a evil person to make a large corporation that is way to powerful and dose more harm then good . Any advice on how to shake this fear and get on with my goals for my life.

  • Odd-Sherbet2927@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As a business owner, one of the perks is the opportunity to embody your philosophies and create an environment/impact that you wish to see more of.

    For example, in my business, when there’s extra profits/bonuses earned as a company they’re distributed out to the entire team, from our entry level part time appointment setters to our best sales reps. Everybody gets a piece. We’re transparent about commission rates and what we earn so nobody feels in the dark about “how it works.”

    I’m nowhere near Rockefeller or Carnegie in terms of monetary success but I can sleep at night knowing I run things by my terms and our people are happy- and that’s good enough for me.

    Also, knowing when “enough is enough” I’ve reached a point where if I paid myself 2x or 5x or 10x my current salary it wouldn’t make a difference in how I live my life so I just don’t take it out. I pay my expenses (low 5 figs) and that’s it- so I guess that’s how.