I’ve heard a lot of people say on here “call a local mom and pop print place, they’ll do it dirt cheap.” I did that today, and they wanted $60 just to print 250! The cheapest I’ve found so far is office depot and staples: which is about $25 for 250 and that is with a discount. I’m basically looking for the best bulk pricing. Are there any places that offer a yearly membership which discounts prints/services? The thing is, the cards aren’t actually for me. I make business card designs, then the people who are buying the design from me usually want me to print them as well. This is the part I don’t make money on, technically. I could charge a small convenience fee for doing the printing, but I don’t want my cost to be outrageous for the customer. Thoughts/recommendations? Is there a smarter way I could be doing this? TIA
If you are in the usa, have you checked out GotPrint, they have a 30% sale on?
Canadian 360OnlinePrint is doing a deal of 500 cards for $12.
https://www.360onlineprint.ca/en-ca/business-cards?id=14613&promo=G45CA\_E14613CP&campaignid=20420897705&adgroupid=160521448228&creative=668861727489&keyword=cheap business cards&matchtype=e&adposition=&network=g&placement=&target=&targetid=kwd-88941842&device=c&year=&week=&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxrL5pZbHggMVgZaDBx1qJgrPEAAYBCAAEgLE8vD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds