So I am in the service industry and we go to a lot of houses… Not very often but sometimes when doing a job for someone, they will offer to buy us lunch or coffee, etc… How often do you except when someone is offering? Yesterday my father turned down a $100 tip from someone… but this person was not wealthy by any means he was an average Joe working a 9 to 5 job, and his house was in a mess and you could tell he was just barely making it by… what do you do?

  • Mental-Dot-6574@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m in the service industry as well, and I typically tell them tipping is not required when they offer, but that’s a case by case to be honest. I also tell them that the best form of tipping is references, word of mouth, if they have friends/family that may need my services. I don’t work for anyone and no-one works for me, I’m a solo operation, and I charge and pay myself sufficiently enough that I can live on what I make. That being said, one of my clients gave me some ghost peppers a month or so back as a tip (tasty and hot lol, everyone was too chicken to try them so I ate them all myself), others offers beer/shots, sandwiches, homebaked goods (around holidays) but mostly it’s cash.

  • ncroofer@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Project manager for a roofing company. I’ll accept tips if I do cash repair jobs, but I’ve also never been offered any thing over like $10. If it’s a full replacement they can tip my guys. But usually I’ll just suggest they buy them beer

  • Upstairs-Tourist-851@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I am kind of on the opposite side. I’m generally the client with people coming to my house. I generally do tip any trades people, if they do good work. I’ve never had it turned down. But, I tip the crew, not the “owner”. Mainly because it is so hard to find anyone who does decent work. Also, on the first day of the job, I ask the crew leader what day do they want lunch? I usually bbq a huge stack of ribs for the crew. I’ve never had that turned down. If it’s middle of summer and outdoor work I’ll make sure there’s a cooler full of ice and gatorade available.

    • Zoidbergslicense@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Respect. I always pass any tips to whoever was helping me (I am the owner). I’f in solo I’ll take tips from obviously wealthy people, but normal people get the “I charged you what I wanted, I don’t need any more.”

  • ContributionSuch2655@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I go with the “awww man I can’t take that!” Once and then when they insist, I take it. As another commenter said, I usually tip and I LIKE doing it. I WANT you to grab a beer on the way home. Annnnd guess who’s place gets a little extra love next time I need something?

    There’s a ton of people living paycheck to paycheck in this country and I’ve been there- that $20 might be a pizza they wouldn’t otherwise get, or ice cream with their kids. Or maybe, just a cold beer.

  • Kiyonai@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m a mobile dog groomer, so I’m accustomed to receiving tips regularly. Most of my clients tip me $5-$50 depending on the service. Last week I also accepted a new hoodie and two different plant propagations as tips.

    I like to show gratitude with all of the service people who come to my home, in return. House cleaners, massage therapists, auto detailers, plumbers, roofers, electricians, carpet cleaners. I offer either cash, food, drink, or if it’s summertime, a small harvest of my fresh tomatoes.

    I appreciate those who, like myself, work hard at their craft to offer quality results to clients. I appreciate people being on time to their appointments, behaving in a professional and friendly manner.

    If someone offers you a tip, I think it is better to accept it and express honest gratitude rather than to refuse it.

  • Zoidbergslicense@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I get offered beer surprisingly often. I’m a recovering alcoholic so I love joking with people about it.

    “Hey looks like I’m your last stop, wanna beer?” “This is a nice place you got here, id hate to destroy it.” Or “I have other jobs next week and if I have a beer I’ll have to spend the next few months in jail or rehab again.”