I’ve heard the saying ‘build boring businesses’ before and was wondering, is it important to build a product that you are passionate and interested in?

Is it better to find a niche thing you are interested in and work on that, or build something for a niche that is somewhat uninteresting to you?

Would love to hear what you guys think of this and if you are passionate about what your business does.

  • SecretNerdyMan@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Here’s my take - if you need to “follow a passion” to be successful then you’ll probably fail. On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who is intrinsically motivated to show up every day with a consistent work ethic, then there is a decent chance that you’ll succeed. That is more of a habit discipline, and an internal motivation to do something meaningful vs. what is in my opinion a more selfish desire to be entertained.

    Successful business people typically work extremely hard, are driven to put in the extra energy and effort to succeed and put some types of other people before themselves (customers, good employees, etc.).

    I’ve built several businesses and once I’m immersed it’s never been difficult to get deeply interested in and every passionate about what I’m building, even in topics might have been boring for me to read about before I decided to work on it. There’s something about solving difficult problems that always manages keeps me engaged once I’ve decided to go all in on it.

    If you have that and you happen to be super interested in what you’re doing that can be great too so long as you don’t forget that your business also exists to solve somebody else’s problems, not to fulfill your passions or interests.