I want to preface this by saying I’m not writing this to complain, or even try to brag about my business success. I apologize if I come off as being corny, my goal here is to share my experience. I’d like to know I’d anyone else has experienced this.

A year ago I started a rug making business. I make hand-made rugs and sell them. The first 6 months I had absolutely no clients or sales. Eventually my Instagram started gaining traction and some of my posts went “viral”. I started getting a ton of clients, and was at some points booked out for weeks with work. I was able to quit my job and go into this full time. I found my groove and learned how to aquire clients.

In the beginning, my best friends were rooting for me. Always showing me love and being supportive. I would also return the love to them in other ways (like celebrating big accomplishments in their lives, and being supportive in anyway I could) It was a mutual love and support we showed for each other.

Over time the support slowly stopped coming from them as I continued to grow. I wasn’t too bothered becuase I don’t expect them to always show support 24/7, but the occasional like or comment stopped coming and I noticed.

Recently I just had one of my biggest accomplishments for my business. I made a rug for a “celebrity” client. A huge name in the skateboarding world. He has 900k followers on Instagram and is well-known. I met him in person to deliver him the rugs. He reposted me 3 separate times to his 900k followers. This is a guy I’ve looked up to (skated my whole life) since I’ve been a young kid. This was something I am incredibly proud of.

2 of my best friends didn’t say anything. They didn’t like my posts about it, they didn’t congratulate me. Nothing. I could see that they saw my Instagram story about it, but didn’t bother to show any support whatsoever. Ironically, the most support I got was from strangers and online friends that I’ve made over this past year. They were so hyped for me. But my best friends completely ignored my big momment.

Not going to lie that shit hurt really bad. I’m the type of person to always show support to the people I love when they have big accomplishments. I love seeing people win. It actually gives me so much energy.

I understand that this is an insecurity inside of me to want validation from the people I love. But I’ll be damned I’d I said it didn’t hurt deeply. The 2 people I want rooting for me and seeing me win in life, stayed silent for my biggest accomplishment. I start to get the feeling that they are starting to resent me or find me to be annoying.

It’s just so funny how currently the most support I get is from strangers and online friends. They are always lifting me up, as I do the same for them.

Sorry if this was super long, I just wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading.

  • redditipobuster@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It all comes down to class. Middle and upper. They just know you’re not bringing them with you.

    Because reddit sucks and people are jealous entitled mfers. Now send me a free rug for your free therapy. Need a 2 x 36’

  • SlurpleBrain@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    They still support you, they just see your momentum and don’t feel the need to throw you a bone anymore. Also algorithms are weird maybe they don’t see your stuff as much

  • hubmanchubgirl@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    First off, I’m not sure if your friends are actually not supportive. I haven’t seen anything specific from your post that says they’re jealous or anything - it could be in your head.

    Secondly, as a small business owner myself, entrepreneurship can be a lonely road. But I found local or online pockets of other entrepreneurs to socialize with. It helps that we all face the same problems, and have a lot in common running a business.

    I’m a member of e-commerce fuel (a DTC founder community with a $200/month membership), limited supply slack (more of a general community with agencies mixed in). There are many others too you can find if you look around. FYI e-commerce fuel and limited supply have their own podcasts too if you want a feel of the people in the communities or what they discuss.

  • Ok_Shine7527@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Congratulations. It’s hard to stay on the path when the sales aren’t coming. You are an example of staying diligent pays off

    • Anonymously_M3@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      You’re probably spot on. I feel cringe after posting this. But I’ve seen everyone’s advice and I’m taking it seriously and looking to grow.

  • Secure-Gift-5454@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Once you find success your friends are no longer your friends.

    They suffer from JEALOUSY

    hard to believe I know

    But keep them away from you now they will be your undoing

  • flryan@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Our business just launched and has been doing well and I’ve see the same. From friends with businesses as well as without. I understand some jealousy but I’ve also rooted them on especially the business owner friend.

    Don’t take it personal, even though it feels it. And to play devils advocate, are you sure they saw the post?

  • Soruze@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    True in life that most people who close to you want you to fail so they feel better about themselves and the hard thing is that they don’t even realize it themselves.

    10 months ago

    This happens a lot. “Friends” and even family will just show you support to start because most don’t think you will get anywhere.

    Once you hit it big, they start to get jealous of you. It happens everywhere and all of the time.

    It is rare to meet people who genuinely feel great about you skyrocketing to the top. Those true people really feel happy at how well you are doing. Usually the only guarantee you will have of that is mom and dad and spouse

    • Fabulous-Vehicle2447@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      This is exactly right. Lots of posts on here that are a mixed bag. I had a similar post a few months back about the same topic this post is bringing up and this response hit it in on the head.

      Your family is everything, treat it as such. Everyone else has their own objectives in life, and envy is real amongst everyone especially as you get older and the have-not’s crowd around you grows.

      Entrepreneurship is a lonely game. You think about your business all the time, but reap all the rewards of your profits. Unfortunately what comes with that is a price. The price is that most people get confused how you became more successful than them, become envious, and then start to wish for you to start to get knocked down. The distance becomes somewhat palpable.

      Like this post said, focus on your family, parents, kids and be grateful for them daily. Life is different for you now!

  • Responsible_Goat9170@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    After 10 years of running my business I finally accomplished a long term goal. I went out with my best friend to celebrate. He told me “you just got lucky”

    We’re not friends anymore…but I employed his daughter and she was a rock star for 3 years. I’m friends with her now.

  • StackOwOFlow@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I understand that this is an insecurity inside of me to want validation from the people I love.

    That’s all it is. Move on.

  • WhichEstablishment96@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    you are over reacting, to put it in context i watched a video yesterday on worldstar of a kid who got shot in the mouth. he asked his friends if they can drive him to the hospital and they said he they didnt want to get the car bloody. he asked his mom if she can drive him but she didnt want to. thats betrayal. having your friend not like your post is not betrayal by your friend lol people need to focus on their own stuff sometimes