I’m looking to get some stock from merchant A on Alibaba, then some stock from merchant B on Alibaba. Maybe I could have them both delivered to one address, and shipped together to me. The shipping from merchant A alone is 5x the cost of my product (from merchant A)

Has anyone discovered a more affordable way of shipping? Is there any way around the high shipping costs?

  • Khanspiracy75@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I have ordered, shipped and received over 50k USD of merchandise from alibaba vendors, the shipping cost is entirely out of your control and it is dependent on the weight of the package as well as the forward freighter that is connected to the vendor, honestly there is no way to avoid the shipping fees, generally I have found the shipping to be anywhere from 50% to 100% of the merchandise fee, which I believe is somewhat reasonable because even with all additional fees (customs, duties, shipping) it is still generally 30% to 50% cheaper than anything of a similar quality I can find in the US or Canada. I have only ordered industrial products (i.e. spray foam, spray foam guns, sky domes, lights, sprinklers etc.). Shipping is gonna be expensive wherever you plan on getting the products from if the product is from anywhere in Asia. Just the cost of business but it is still cheaper and than anything you can find in NA, also if you develop better relationships with your vendors they are much more willing to provide a slightly better deal but it is not always guaranteed, with that being said most of these vendors are nothing special, if one is not giving you good pricing, be stern, upfront and start looking for other quotes, then show them the other quotes and tell them either they match them or they can fuck off. Unethical Life pro Tip: If your really frustrated with the quotes your getting, make up a variety of your own quotes with made up companies, show the vendor the quote and tell them match or I will go there, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Before anyone thinks this is too unethical, understand that they are charging you 2-3x what they pay for materials, fabrication, forward freighter relationships, storage, leasing, and developing relationships. They are in business to make money, cut corners, and increase margins, I feel no negative emotions trying to make them reduce there already exorbitant rates, to cut into there margin by 5%-15% will not change there business, and if it does, so what, not all businesses deserve a foothold in the market if they can not provide a reasonable product up to there customers standards at an economical price they can get fucked, you go to alibaba for significantly cheaper products not for slightly cheaper products of inferior quality with more wait time of receiving the products as well as all the secondary and tertiary tasks that need to be completed to receive your merchandise.