Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,
I made https://writeitapp.co.uk - I soft launched two years ago… What a wild journey it has been- From getting blackmailed by devs to being scammed by marketing firms. At the launch we got over 2000 organic users and over 1000 stories posted - within the first few months. After bugs + being totally scammed by a marketing company I hit the drawing board again to revamp the app. Now the app has a totally new design, faster, less bugs and has more features like the ability to listen to stories.
I may be crazy, but I genuinely believe in my product…So Im sticking with it. Recently hit a brick wall, thinking its too much of a mountain for me to climb…How do I get users on board without going completely broke? That’s the real question. The App is free so marketing is a cost with no financial kickback.
It is however a mountain I will continue to climb, yes things have gone against me but I have spent too many years of working hard to even make the app a real thing.
Would love some feedback and some advice on how to kickstart a community on the platform, and how I should go about getting real downloads going!
That’s my brick wall. How!
Thanks guys
Not trying to discourage, but be sure to get some money quickly, targeting companies like Nike is a difficult goal. I would recommend you to watch some YC videos, specially this one https://youtu.be/GMIawSAygO4?feature=shared