Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I made https://writeitapp.co.uk - I soft launched two years ago… What a wild journey it has been- From getting blackmailed by devs to being scammed by marketing firms. At the launch we got over 2000 organic users and over 1000 stories posted - within the first few months. After bugs + being totally scammed by a marketing company I hit the drawing board again to revamp the app. Now the app has a totally new design, faster, less bugs and has more features like the ability to listen to stories.
I may be crazy, but I genuinely believe in my product…So Im sticking with it. Recently hit a brick wall, thinking its too much of a mountain for me to climb…How do I get users on board without going completely broke? That’s the real question. The App is free so marketing is a cost with no financial kickback.

It is however a mountain I will continue to climb, yes things have gone against me but I have spent too many years of working hard to even make the app a real thing.
Would love some feedback and some advice on how to kickstart a community on the platform, and how I should go about getting real downloads going!

That’s my brick wall. How!

Thanks guys

  • Beginning-Comedian-2@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    as u/dontwantanaccountata says…

    “…you need to hone in to your target audience as specifically as you can…”

    Find out who is using your site weekly.

    • Categorize their interests.
    • Market to the same people.
    • Be the #1 writing/community app for [INSERT NICHE INTEREST].
    • Instead of trying to be just another social app for everybody.
    • WriteIt2023@alien.topOPB
      1 year ago

      A lot of the stories I have had on the app are actually stories about mental health, a lot of people share their mental health struggles on the platform, could this be a niche?

      • Beginning-Comedian-2@alien.topB
        1 year ago


        • You could rewrite your home page around this theme.
        • Then start promoting it on Reddit and Facebook groups.
        • But you’ll have to research how you’ll monetize it.