What movies changed your life?
Or maybe inspired you to take a leap that you would’ve never thought to take.
To take it maybe one step further, how have these (or this) movies had an impact on you as an entrepreneur?
What movies changed your life?
Or maybe inspired you to take a leap that you would’ve never thought to take.
To take it maybe one step further, how have these (or this) movies had an impact on you as an entrepreneur?
The Truman Show: Wake up to the “reality” presented you. Escape the bubble your masters trap you in.
The Count of Monte Cristo: From naive boy to cunning man, to actualized human.
The Shakelton Documentary: Leadership and resolve.
Gladiator: Do not have a price. Never cower from right action. Never bend a knee to tyrants.
In Time: Exposing the rigged game run on you.