Hey, I’m currently looking for someone interested in teaming up and working on something together. If you already have an idea DM me or we can brainstorm ideas together to try find something profitable. I’m mostly interested in SaaS but open to anything.

My usual tech stack involves: Database: PostgreSQL Backend/Microservices: Golang Frontend: NextJS

To get things up quicker though I’ve recently been using NextJS API routes instead of golang for the API as it isn’t always necessary.

  • killer_by_design@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    try to spin something up in a weekend, hackathon-style.

    I love this idea! Do you have a list of what you’d target to accomplish over a weekend?

    What does validation look like to you?

    • Known_Impression1356@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Good question…

      At a high level, I’d say success is running through a proper customer validation process itself. It’s the thing most founders struggle with the most in the early stages. This kind of process is about getting comfortable talking to customers and incorporating their feedback into what you build before you build it.

      As far as tangible deliverables, I figure a 3-4 person team should probably be able to at least produce the following:

      • mvp development
        • landing page
        • wire frame or design prototype
      • customer validation
        • run an ad experiment
        • interview 5-10 potential customers
        • survey 40 or more potential

      If we’re firing on all cylinders, we might even be able to push a v1, and depending on where the idea lands, success might be a 100 person waiting list or 1 paying customer. TBD.

      As far as format. I’d propose the following, timezones permitting:

      • Friday afternoon/evening
        • meet & greet
        • review ideas (I can send out a template to help people flesh out their ideas) & vote one to pursue
        • for the winning idea, team should further analyze assumptions and come up with plan for talking to potential customers the next day/morning.
      • Saturday Morning
        • The next morning should be spent on the phones and message boards talking to target customers. If we do our jobs well and listen to the feedback, our idea will likely change quite a bit.
        • Once we have clarity about the problems customers actually have that we can solve, we should reconvene on the problem statement and our solution.
      • Saturday Afternoon/Evening
        • Assuming the solution is still financially viable, we start designing the wire frames and landing page.
      • Sunday
        • We put some money behind social media ads or whatever makes sense
        • If the product winds up being some sort of simple marketplace, we might be able to spin up a simple v1 off of a nocode template or something.
        • We pitch our idea to either an angel investor or domain expert for feedback (not a check - we’re not there yet).

      I think these kinds of projects work best with 3-5 person teams, depending on people’s backgrounds. My ideal is usually 1-2 devs, 1 designer, 1-2 GTM, but I’m also down to have multiple teams self organize in friendly competition so we can push each other. I can maybe bring in an investor friend to judge and give feedback.

      Whatever the outcome of the event, I’d suggest letting the idea rest for a week. If it’s still keeping you up at night, keep working on it. Otherwise let it go and we can always do the event again with a different idea.

      • xdozex@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        I love the idea of this… might be a cool to merge this together with u/hophophop1233’s Discord server that was posted a little further up in this same thread. Could have different groups, and private channels for the teams to speak about their project… then some sort of showcase channel, or possibly even live presentations in voice chat, with voting to make a proper competition out of it… then run similar events monthly or bi-monthly.

        • hophophop1233@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          This is a great idea although customer validation is tough on the weekends. I wonder if we can speed that up.

      • killer_by_design@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Thank you for taking the time to write that all out. I love it, it’s such a fresh way to approach it and validate without sinking too much time or cost into it.

        In terms of IP, do you get people involved to sign an NDA or do you care less about any IP generated than the value that the exercise creates?

        If you can share your template I’d definitely appreciate it!