Hello everyone. I am a seasoned entrepreneur who has built 4 startups over the last 25 years. I love the start up space and consider myself to be extremely competitive, strategic and creative with an innate ability to think outside the box.

I am willing to offer my insights specifically to any startup that is looking to be a game changer and a dominant player in their selected industry. If you have a competitive edge then let me help you define your overall strategy. Or if you like I can review your overall strategy and help fine tune it or critique it. If you would like help in any other areas just let me know.

I am not looking to get anything in return. I am feeling especially blessed right now and I thought this could be a good way to give back. Happy to give you my two cents if this is something that could help. Thank you and God Bless.

Mr. O

  • xpatmatt@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Mr. O,

    I have a agency background. Mostly digital marketing for travel.

    This year I gave several talks to travel industry about generative AI and spent a lot of time researching it in detail and dialog to potential clients/users.

    I have come to the conclusion that there is a clear path to AI integration for most businesses that starts with GPT-based internal productivity tools that are refined until they are reliable enough to be tweaked and used for b2c purposes like customer service, support, and lead generation.

    I think this needs to start with one use case and expand from there. I am currently speaking to a large travel agent franchise about building a product for travel agents.

    I see a lot of similar startups in this space in other industries. I believe that USPs and moats will come from case specific integrations, case specific knowledge bases, and early customer acquisition.

    I see this business model for this as being a SAAS that has a large amount of customization for customers perhaps somewhat similar to salesforce.

    I have spoken to a few technical people but have not yet found a technical co-founder. I could probably grind out an MVP myself using a third party platform, but it would be incredibly slow I need to do so and not sure how good the results would be.

    At the moment I am a bit stuck about whether I should spend more time looking for a good co-founder that is willing to put in the work, or if I should see funding to pay to build. I think the co-founder is preferable but it’s unclear how quickly I can find one.

    I appreciate any insight you can provide on the idea in general and my immediate blocker.
