Hey everyone,
we have a party rental business and been having issues with sales. Our marketing is great, we are getting a pretty good amount of leads but we are not closing as many as we would like. They are all inbound coming from Google. We answer them instantly or within minutes after they submit a quote request on the website. I’ll say that our prices are a little higher than others but that’s because we do delivery, installation, and pick up. On the phone, the common objections or smokescreens we get after sayin the price are “let me talk to my wife/husband” or “let me think about it and get back to you”.

Now in some cases, they were right they needed to discuss the pricing with their spouse and get back to us but many times it seems they won’t get back to us. A few tell us straight up that the price is out of their budget which is fine and we are aware that we would lose some customers due to that. Is there anything we can improve on our offer? Is it a follow up game? We haven’t closed many when we follow up hours/ days after.

As a quick note - we have closed many people so there are people who are happy with our pricing and what we offer but compared to the amount of leads we get, I think we can improve something within. Thanks!

  • DotPotential4057@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I would add and test a form of takeaway selling in your process.

    Whenever the prospect writes to you or asks a quote, instead of asnwering straight away or within a few minutes, have them receive informational materials that further sell them on you and in about a day reply to their question.

    Here is why you ought to try this: if you reply instantly/within few minutes, you may come off desperate/needy and it may be repelling some good leads…

    As for pricing problem - you can tackle this multiple ways, one of which is just accepting that those leads/prospects werent going to be good ones and its better off without them and solely focus on the current ones you attract and developing your backend for those customers… alternatively, you can always say to those prospects that you specialise in helping people whose main concern is their budget, and then you figure out a way later on how to compensate… OR if you suspect most of your customers main concern is price then you can give a 10-20% higher quote than normal, and then say that since the customer is first time, you will add a 10 to 20% discount and basically get paid the same you would have.

    With offers there are hundred ways you can slice and dice them and if you can provide me with what you already offer/how you offer it, then I can give you some alternative ideas you can toy around with…

    Also, has this been a problem in the past or recently? Did this problem start 6 months ago when you switched/hired a new marketing agency or in-house marketer or changed your marketing strategy? Maybe thats the problem…

    Do you know where your current best leads are coming from? Are there multiple sources or does one source produce the highest quality leads? Or maybe its that your best leads come from one source and the rest of the sources draw in unqualified leads or bad ones which may be hurting your “real” conversion rates which may be producing below satisfactory results. Maybe this is the problem…

    To be honest, the problem may be all of the listed and more, or it can only be single thing, but its quite hard togive you help without actually knowing what the majority of your current process is.

    With the sales objection, you can try a few things… ask them “why”, once they reply say you understand and then lead back into the sales pitch… or you can say “well thats perfect because I specialise helping couple who have cocerns about their budget” and then go back into the sales pitch… whats more, you can add a few pressure tactics as well when presenting the offer - deadline (its a must in every sale)… you can always say that the person can pay but if their spouse has any obejctions/problems and wants a refund, you can give a refund without starting anything (this depends on how confident you are in selling their spouse now). Here is how it can look: “I understand that you need to talk to your spouse before making this decision and thats perfect because I specialise in helping couples who have budget concerns and thats why I have this one-time offer where you can pay now for 15% less and if your spouse believes that you’ve made an error or that you need a refund, you will get it no questions asked…” and if someone agrees to this, you should hand out reading materials for free to those “customers” and have them bring it home/show it to their spouse so that they dont have to sell you to their spouse but instead its your materials that are selling them.

    Anyway, these are a few ideas.