Damn, the last post blew up… 50+ comments and 25k+ views in 12 hours,
See the post here.
I had to do part-2
In part-1, Some of you agreed, some of you hit reply and chose violence.

And it’s good. Because these posts aren’t just meant to be read. but to make you think.

I’ve summarised Shaan Puri’s controversial take into this 1-min read. (it has photos and everything, so check it out)

(Also, the full post is down below)

So, our main-character of the plot, Shaan Puri, was working in a Silicon Valley startup at 20.
What skills did he have?
In his words: Nothing.
Which I personally feel is a bit exaggerated. What Shaan really meant was he had minimal or mediocre skills.
Why did they hire a 20 y/o without skills, you ask?
Shaan says:

“Because I was excited about what they’re doing.”

This… is the most underrated skill that you can learn.
Yup., he believes so.
The ability to bring excitement to situations.
The ability to bring energy to the table.

“ENTHUSIASM is the most underrated skill.”

If you have that, no one will ever doubt your value to the group, startup or community.
And you’ve seen this right?
Every show has that one character who doesn’t really do anything.
He crack jokes, roast others, sometimes himself.
If you imagine the show without him, it looks so dull.
You know what I am talking about, right?
-Gunther from Friends
-Harold Gunderson from Suits
-Ben Kim in Billions
-Ranjit in How I met your Mother
-Greg in Succession
The only job of these characters: Bring enthusiasm to the plot.
So, to summarise. Be enthusiasm, and you’re set.

Do you think Enthusiasm is indeed the most important skill in business?

Comment section’s yours.