
We have an office in one of hotels in Waikiki, Hawaii. It’s pretty large costing around $5500 a month. We are a tour company that used to have around 10 employees before the Covid-19. During the covid our business was hit pretty hard and currently sitting at 3 employees total. So our business has downsized a lot but it’s kind of ok because we have less employees to pay for now.

We are mostly selling tours to walk in customers at the moment and only utilize front of our office. Our office is great location wise with enough customers flows for now but now 2/3 of our office isn’t being used at all. So we don’t want to move our office even though it makes sense to move to a cheaper rental due to the location being good.

Any idea what we can do not waste 2/3 of our rent? I was looking for someone to move in with us but they all wanted to use the front of our office which we can’t allow.

Recently we have also started to sell temporary tattoos in our office and it’s doing ok although it doesn’t bring big bucks yet.

  • Rejust@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t know how big your hotel is or how much space you have but here is a unique idea… I once went to a hotel that had a medium sized room and it was a space for families. Coloring books, arts and crafts, movie playing, some small play equipment, large four square and Jenga. Tourists with kids are always looking for a place to calm them down or entertain them on vacation. You don’t have to offer drop off services. It could just be a place parents come to take a break while traveling. Charge like $5 per kid or something. Just a thought. The place that did this on our last trip was amazing.