I have been working on an idea partially for about 2 years while I’ve been in school. Right now I am deciding if I should just drop it. From what I’ve been seeing in the market, there are a few companies that have been around for many years. So I doubt I could compete with them. The core thing about my product which I really truly believe in and see that the market needs (helping parents find things to sign their kids up for) and no other product really offers, is extremely dependent on getting lots of users at some point. There is one company that is pretty similar to the idea but they failed on the one feature I am doing. If my product is dependent on competing with these other companies in order to get users to power the main service, is it even worth it? Id be able to provide the service for free which no other company can do.

  • New_Bad4087@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t think u should worry about competition because it’s everywhere. Michael Dell started his company when IBM, HP and Compaq were global mkt leaders. Starbucks is a global company when selling coffee has been around for over 100 years. There are so many examples out there u can draw inspiration from. What u need is find a niche that u can serve exceptionally well and build from there. U will have ur naysayers for sure but u need to believe in ur product. Otherwise ,u should just go get a day job.