I just want you to take a step back from your overwhelming lifestyle and make it more boring. Hacks for ‘Look busy while doing nothing’:
- Carry a notebook and pen wherever you go 📝. This is the classic way to look busy and everyone else thinks that you are up-to something.
- Screen Stare-Down 👨‍💻. You know that intense gaze at your computer screen? It’s not just a black document ; it’s your masterpiece in the making. Just nod your head and throw an occasional ‘Hmm’. Remember, the more cryptic your screen content, the better!
- Coffee trick ☕. There is some direct proportionality which has been established within my office (i don’t know how), which is FOCUS x Coffee. So just grab a coffee and place it on your desk to look very focused like you are solving something very critical.
Let me know how you guys are looking busy…