Not gonna lie, sometimes it gets overwhelming as a founder - wearing a lot of hats, lots of context switching doing completely different tasks.

For context, we are a team of two, and our product is completely bootstrapped.

Recently I spent a lot of time coding - rebuilding some of the tech debt of my app from the MVP, completely rewriting the app from the ground up to optimize the app for our users.

As a result, I spent less time marketing the app, and the growth suffered, and I feel terrible about it.

How do you stay mentally well, and motivated in times like these?

  • nfsi0@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Best advice I ever got was to treat myself like another person.

    Hopefully most of us already have a handle on the golden rule, and treat others the way we want to be treated, but I think a lot of us (especially ambitious people) are pretty hard on ourselves, even though if someone else was going through what we are going through we’d show them compassion and understanding. So ask yourself how you’d treat someone else, and then treat yourself that well, you deserve it.