I have a semi-succesful e-commerce business selling jerky and BBQ sauce I have run for 10 years. a couple Million in revenue, travelled to 80+ countries, had my teeth kicked in countless times, learned a lot. It’s like a wired little good job that I carved out, not driving the Lambo yet my twenty-something self used to dream about but a fun ride.

Last year I started an online cooking school, it has a handful of members, it makes next to no money, maybe a couple hundred a month but MY GOD IS IT ENJOYABLE.

NOTHING. Has energized me more for my day-to-day business like having this little side quest. I think it’s because I really don’t care what happens and I enjoy teaching but it somehow has electrified all aspects of my work life. I spend 40 minutes a day on it and it’s what I look forward to most.I’ve read all the motivational books from Hormozi to Ferriss to Who Moved My Cheese to whatever Cardone and Robbins yap about. I’ve drank a lot of coffee and done study pills and artichoke extract and neutropics and all the stuff to stay motivated chemically. I’ve chased the paper, focused on learning, focused on exercise all in a decades long hustle to stay moderately inspired. Before anyone judges me for this gamut of self prescribed mood boosters all I can say is 10 years is a grind so don’t hate until you’ve hit small biz / entrepreneurship for a long time (if you have hate away).

MY POINT: If you are feeling burnt out start something else and attach no expectations to it. Maybe it’s a blog reviewing mafia movies or a youtube channel tasting every packet of instant ramen known to man but work at it daily. Take my word for it, it might shock you how much your excitement for a little project can permeate the rest of your life.

That’s it, first good luck you crazy bastards that have chosen small business. Second, I want to know:

Has anyone had a similar experience starting a little side hustle for their own enjoyment that energizes them?

I want to know what it is!

  • becoming_better01@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I love your story. Do you have any thoughts on how one should choose a side hustle? I’m trying to avoid those that requires me to trade (a large chunk of my time) for money; i.e. tutoring COULD work but then it’d never scale (unless I turn it into a business).

    I’m doing some social media stuff at the side and would love to hear your thoughts to be honest!