I was going through all the newsletter welcome emails I subscribed to and one really caught my eye. ‍ ‘Why We Buy’

Rather than the standard request for a reply and moving the newsletter to your primary inbox,

Like this newsletter here… ‍

There’s a better way to get them to follow your instructions. ‍

A ‘special gift.’ ‍

Consider Katelyn’s approach with her ‘Why We Buy’ newsletter. ‍

She doesn’t promise you anything when you sign up.

But after you join, ‍

You will receive a welcome email, which piques your interest by revealing the offer of a ‘special gift’ should you follow her provided instructions. ‍

Katelyn Bourgoin’s Welcome Email Message

This hint of a valuable gift made me instantly follow her instructions out of curiosity and anticipation of what it might be. ‍

If you have some experience with email marketing, getting people to reply to your welcome email is your #1 priority.

It stops your newsletter from hitting their spam and promotions folders. ‍

So that you can significantly boost your open rate and click-through rate for the lifetime of your new subscribers. ‍

Katelyn mentions here that she has a 57% open rate using this gift strategy.

And it’s not just about numbers. ‍

It creates a memorable welcome.

‍ And it lays the foundation for a lasting relationship with your new subscribers.

If you enjoyed this post, I curate more successful B2B marketing examples like this over at my site here in a gallery format that you can filter through.