I have recently opened a hardware store and my friends and family constantly keep telling me that I need to get a website up quickly.
As someone who doesn’t consider himself to be “tech savvy”, I fail to see the point in having one as I get enough traffic through my “plain” brick-and-mortar storefront.
Some questions for small business owners who already have a website or plan to get one would be:
What is your reasoning for creating your website?
Why not use Amazon, Shopify, or a similar platform?
Was it profitable?

  • forwardfirst@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Given that you are a hardware store, the biggest advantage to you is that having a website wouldn’t be for the digital billboard. It would actually be to create an e-commerce (hardware store). Basically, this would be the process of creating an online store that stands out from the competition, shows off your brand, and gets you extra sales. This would allow you to make sales for your hardware business 24/7 and not just when you are physically in the store. Additionally to this, it is still acting like a digital billboard. When it comes to the digital space, being omni present is very important. You want to be seen before your competitors so that the customer picks you first.

    My company works on websites, web apps, mobile apps, and all things design. If you would like more personalized insights and tips for your business, we frequently offer free advice and help through our free consultation calls. In this call, we establish what would move your business forward.


    (Not trying to advertise, just trying to help. You do not need to buy anything)

    I wish you luck on your business!