The Multi-millionaire host of MyFirstMillion, Shaan Puri gives a lot of controversial rules for success.
Some agree with them. Some hate him for them.

One of those rules is: Hardwork is overrated.

I summarized hours and hours of his content on hard-work into this short 45-sec read.

Do you agree with Shaan or not? The comment section’s yours.

(I’ve also pasted the post below)

The world revolves around storytelling.

Everything you know about success (or failure, or religion, or passion, or love, or hate, or literally anything you know) is a story that the media, governments, society, and you have crafted.
Money is a story. Constitutions are stories. Brands are stories.
One such story — is hard work.

Hard work ain’t nothin’ brah!

It’s not what it seems like, guys.
Just to clarify,
Shaan never said that hard work is bad.
He says: it’s overrated.
Who do you think works more:
- Waiter in a restaurant serving tables all day.
- Founder of a 7 figure dropshipping store.
Well, the first one.
I think you already know who makes more
(The second one……WHO’S WORKING LESS….don’t tell anyone…sheeeshh…)

My parents lied to me?
My society lied to me?
My teachers lied to me?”

Not exactly guys. They didn’t lie to you.
They didn’t know themselves.
So, if hard work isn’t the key to riches.
What is?

‘Project Selection’

Choosing the right project.
In your life, there are 150,000 things you could do.
Most people do only one.or two
Or if you’re anything like Shaan, you’ll do 20.
But that’s it.
Choose them wisely.
Naval Ravikant says:

“What you choose to work on, and who you work with is far more important than how hard you work”

Then why the hell does everyone scream ‘Work Hard’?

Because it’s fucking attractive.
It’s virtue signalling.

Hard work looks cool.

It makes you sound like a “total-self-made man”. (or woman)
Don’t misinterpret this.
Hard work is essential to success.
But you don’t need to break records by working hard and longer hours.
After choosing the right project, and the people you do it with, work ‘hard enough’ to execute that projec.

The importance priority:

What you work on > Who you work with > How hard you work.
I’ll do posts on Shaan’s other controversial rules

What are your thoughts on this? Is Shaan Right? or Not?

  • r3drocket@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I absolutely agree on storytelling is a huge deal. I worked directly for the CTO of one of the largest companies in the world and while I don’t respect him has a businessman or technologist his storytelling skills were just amazing, he could enrapture people and convince them of anything it was like he could hypnotize them for 30 minutes. And his enthusiasm within carry that into new business deals and into markets where we really shouldn’t have been in.

    I think the hardest part is really trying to figure out what to focus on in the right way and it’s amazing even senior people who I feel should know better totally get lost in the sauce and end up focusing on the wrong things. Even I do it and I know I shouldn’t do it.

    I’m convinced it really takes a team to constantly scrutinize investments and early stage startups to make sure that you’re working on the right things and to call each other out when somebody gets focused on the wrong thing. It seems like it’s far too easy for everybody ends up working really hard on the wrong things - things that don’t validate the market, things that don’t improve customer experience, things that don’t ultimately add customer value.

    Or maybe I haven’t had the fortunate experience at working at a small startup that has the discipline to constantly be asking “should we be working on this?”

    I’m also very jaded because working hard has caused my health to be destroyed, no amount of hard work or money can make up for your health. So if you’re going to work hard it should be on the right things.