So as we all know, AI is getting crazy good, and this is just the start. The stuff we’re seeing from OpenAI is probably an infant compared to what we will see 5-10 years from now. Even then, the products from OpenAI and other AI / automation companies are already significantly affecting most of our work lives. Many of us are adopting AI as co-pilots.

With that said, I wonder what opportunities will be there for people who are of average intelligence. I wanted to major in computer science in college. I entered in 2014 with the ideas that I’d major in CS so that even if AI automated a bunch of stuff, I could at least be the one doing the automating instead of getting automated. I have a growth mindset and I worked hard (stayed in and studied basically every night). I got my butt kicked by most classes. I took Calculus I three times (got an A the last time, though! haha). I had to retake object oriented programming because I failed it the first time (got an A the second time! 😂). Though, I was decent at other classes. I got an A in stats and got As in pretty much of every other course, so I’m not a complete dingus. Majoring in CS just would not have been financially viable for me because failing classes would not be financially sustainable. haha Even learning programming outside of school, I’d still say I’m a “50th percentile developer” at best.

I started a web design and marketing business I’ve been running since 2019 with decent success. I’m not making six figs yet, but I’m able to live and work off of my business full-time. Still, I’m quite concerned about how I can ensure I stay well-employed and continue to increase my compensation through the challenges we’ll be facing in the coming years.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Where do you think will be the good opportunities for those who might not be making the AIs, but do have the mindset and work ethic to adapt to shifts in the economy like the inflection point we’re currently in?

TL,DR: Title

  • travelguy23@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Very few. It’s going to be a very depressing decade for many people. They really have no idea about what’s coming.