What would make you buy this package?

Hi all! Need some help from small/mid sized business owners. I developed a monthly website package (modeled it after another reddit user here that helped me out!) Basically it’s $150/month and $0 upfront and includes the following: -Wordpress site up to 5 pages -hosting -backups & updates

  • security scanning + disaster recovery
  • simple logo design (if needed) -copywriting & photo sourcing -on page/ technical seo

The aim of this package is to target small businesses that don’t have the $ or time for my bigger websites to pay upfront. Thinking more blue collar business types where I just handle it all for them.

So my question is, if you’re in that demographic is this a package you’d opt in for? What would convince you to get it? I was thinking about google mapping all the businesses around me without a site and maybe showing up in person trying to get them on this package.

Would appreciate all advice and help thank you !

  • CommonManContractor@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As your target demographic, I would say $150 a month seems like too much. $1,800 a year just sounds like too much for something that I could probably figure out in a day through one of the do it yourself templates.

  • PlainJaneNotSoPlain@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What would make ME buy this package? I’d have to trust you.

    A few months back I foolishly trusted someone on reddit to design a website for me. I was clear up front that I wanted a website I’d be able to upload new products myself. The designer was in agreement.

    She started the website, with a sizeable deposit. Long story short, she then started offering me packages to maintain the website for me and upload new products for me…this was exactly the opposite of what I wanted.

    I tried to work with her because I was financially invested. But eventually, I just decided I couldn’t trust her. I cut my losses.

    I found a local website designer instead. I asked him questions like I was interviewing a new employee. I checked that he culturally aligned with me…or at least wasn’t an extremist.

    So what would make ME hire YOU? Probably just a time machine that took me back 6 months?!

  • kabekew@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If they don’t need a website to operate their business (because they’re functioning without one, after all), they’re not going to need regular updates and maintenance and I think will balk at a monthly fee.