I am thinking of going into business and would like to get an MBA. I have 8 years of experience writing software professionally and a background in CS. My goal is to learn about business, running them, scaling them, raising money, etc.

Will getting an MBA help me achieve this goal?

  • milkmanbran@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t want to shit on MBAs because I do believe they have some value. But if your goal is to learn about business (running, scaling, raising money, etc.) then you’d do really well to start reading books about that stuff first. There’s TONS of threads on Reddit about book recommendations so you’ll have a field day doing that. After you’ve read a couple books I’d say to try it out yourself in the most risk-free way possible. There’s about a million ways to start a business, but one I’m doing now is building a brand on social media and getting customers and creating the product after I’ve found my market. It’s allowing me to fail completely and utterly without losing a dime (I mean I paid for Canva, but I wanted to learn that anyway so it’s an investment to me).

    You’ll learn a lot by doing because doing is so different from the books. The books aren’t wrong, they’re just focused on different parts and make certain assumptions that aren’t always true early on. If I can give advice from a now 3 time failure and all time learner, business only comes down to one, not so simple thing, the customer. If you can crack the customer code (understanding your audience and giving them what they want, not what you want them to want) you’ll do well. I’m working on solving that for myself right now. I get a little closer each time.

    Best of luck to you, mate!