I’ve been on the YC site for months, met 2 cofounders, worked together on 2 different ideas, almost finished 2 MVPs (never more than 20%), but then ditched the whole project due to lack of communication. Like, is communication and constant updates so much to ask for these days? I promise, it was all them, not me. I do my parts perfectly, I’m fun to be around, I listen, I communicate, I give feedback, I lead, I generate ideas, I find customers, I do all the business stuff, I spoke to tons of VCs, I planned the whole year, I literally do 80% of the work… And all I ask of them is to just finish a damn MVP in 2 weeks so we can get customers and find investors quickly! Are all the tech people this unserious or am I just unlucky?

Trust me, if I had enough money I would have just hired an engineer with a contract and a salary instead of all this headache. Sorry if I sound like the bad person here lol. I really am just so fed up of this unseriousness I keep seeing!

Now I’m back on the site to get a 3rd cofounder. Fingers crossed! But my options are really just very limited to begin with. Imagine being a female, and a POC in the startup world? Literally almost all the “good/unscammy” profiles on YC’s site either require you to be in NA/EU, or they all just wanna do fintech and AI, or they all just indirectly want you to have 6+ years of experience. I read every profile to the fullest before writing a message just so that I can write something personal to show that I care, but I still end up getting ignored lol. Since my profile is perfect compared to most, I really can’t help but take this personally. I feel like I am pre-judged the moment they read my name so they don’t even bother reading the message lol

For the sake of it, I will tell you guys what I’m working on and please let me know if anybody still wants to be my CTO after all of this :))

I’ve been studying Gen Z’s behaviour around the world for like a whole year, and I know what kind of tech would go viral. I have this very developed idea for an app that allows Gen Z to connect with others but while (playing a game of) answering interesting questions or debating a certain topic together. I believe this will unconsciously help them develop their interpersonal skills and teach them new things while having fun with other people in the process. I can already imagine this going pretty viral and I already have the marketing strategy ready. I also have a UI outline, and a rough pitch deck that includes all the business stuff. To be honest, I even have a clear quick exit strategy.

If this sound interesting to anybody and you’re not a mean person and feel like you’d love to join in, I’d more than love to have a team. I’m either looking for a CTO to build the MVP QUICKLY and launch it, or looking for an angel investor that will fund me to hire a tech person to build the MVP QUICKLY, while I handle the rest of the business stuff. Honestly, I’d prefer the latter because I don’t know if I can trust a CTO anymore lol.

  • unsuitablebadger@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    OP is the type of person that thinks they have all their shit together but is the 1000th person trying to make facebook for dogs. OPs wonderful, great and perfect and does everything right but these ungrateful, unpaid and useless CTOs that can’t create an MVP in 2 weeks are the dumb ones. Dont forget to also drop in the lol for added affect every now and then to make the nonsense light hearted.

    OP I can tell you just from the way you have crafted your post that you are delusional, probably impossible to deal with and most likely super opinionated to the degree that people run away from you. You show a complete lack of self awareness… why do people cut comms, not finish MVPs and why if you are so wonderful are you not willing to secure funding or take a loan to back up your amazing ideas and off the chart work ethic.

    Anyone who was serious about making their ventures work would be questioning these issues more broadly, seeking advice on them and learning and growing. Your post is all about stroking your own ego and pointing fingers at others. There’s a common denominator here and it’s not the co-founders. I would recommend doing some internal reflection and analysis of where things are really going wrong. You might think you’re fun, fair, have the ideas all sorted and all the other things you listed, but in my experience people who describe themselves this way are the complete opposite.