I have just started my new online business in india . Started some facebook and instagram ads. Got about 300 visitor to my website. U mean i reached over around 80k people through ads may be more i am taking about impression. In short i got 300 out of 80k impression but still got zero in sales so i stopped ads tried organic marketing doing for over a week but still zero sales i got i order and that too a scam . What should i do or what am i doing wrong . Please help me Thanks in advance

  • BackupForMyMain@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If it’s a new store, it’s going to take time for the FB algorithm to get to know who buys stuff from you so you’re just going to have to pour in more money to keep testing and running ads… it’s not magic.

    When I drop shipping a while back the main mistake people were making were rushed sites that don’t look professional and lacked detail to make them look legit. Share your links and we’ll give you feedback