My small business is several years old now and revenue has been flat for the last 2 years. There’s a good amount of profit and I’m not complaining, but I would really like to see the business continue to grow and not just stay flat at the same level.

We have $15k which isn’t needed for anything else and could theoretically be invested in growing/scaling the business, but I’m not sure how. We already sell internationally. We already have pitched our service to nearly everyone in our niche industry. We have the capacity to handle more clients but our marketing efforts are already maxed out. All the low-hanging fruit is gone and we’re struggling to find new ways to grow.

The business sells professional services online B2B and B2C.

Any ideas?

  • RoundTwoFounder@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Here are some ideas, I’m afraid this will be generic without knowing more about the business.

    • You said you pitched everyone in your niche industry. Are you actively nurturing that audience, repitching, and staying top of mind? What works well in sales and marketing are constantly changing so are you experimenting with new channels or ways to engage with your buyers?
    • Are there new products or services you can bundle or upsell to your current customers?
    • Consider your bottom line too, are there areas you can improve efficiency or automate to get better profit margin?