I do freelancing and none of my clients before delayed my payments. My recent/last client had 3 outstanding invoices when the contract concluded. As per consulting agreement, the payment terms is 30 days after receiving invoices. But only 1 is paid so far and I am anxious if other two will be paid in atleast next month cycle. The founder of client company, who hired me actually, is holding up the payment and is not responding to emails now. I don’t know what to do. 2 emails gone unanswered and I don’t know if more follow ups will piss him off to not make payments at all. So considering maybe just stay quite for another month and hope payments are done by then. If not, go ballistic.

If shit really hits the fan, I was researching I can lawyer up and send a formal notice. Late payments are liable for penalty apparently. Considering this last option since amount is significant and it’s a B2B contract governed by strong local laws.

Since this non payment issue has happened for the first time, I am a bit lost. Any advice on how to handle this situation is much appreciated.

The client and I are both in different countries, continent apart.

  • cmmpssh@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    What does your contract say? Does it spell out late penalties? How are disputes settled in the contract? Under whose laws are the terms of the contract governed by? Late payments may be “liable for a penalty” under local laws, but whose local laws?