I’m a lawyer based in the U.K. working on a B2B legaltech AI solution. Thus far I have a simple MVP that’s been made using a Python script that can generate a contract in a second (rather than weeks). I’ve conducted customer validation with many SMEs (40 pages worth of transcripts from conversations) but my entire network is non-technical people.

How did you guys find a technical person to be a co-founder? I’ve tried adverts online and YC co-founder match but with little luck.

My guess is that, because we’re pre-revenue, few people want to join (despite offering equal equity). Legal is also not sexy in the AI space and given the economic conditions, people aren’t as incentivised to join startups.

Any ideas would be fab :)

  • tony-berg@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Lots of red flags here.

    First of all I’d expect any decent lawyer to have the financial means to at least partially pay for tech work, so there might be something weird going on if they’d rather give away an equal chunk of the business.

    Since I as a joining techie would rely on a founder like you to be well established with good domain knowledge that’s a concern. Or if you’re good at what you do, then I’d worry that you’re simply not good at business. Or I’d look at it like you wanting to simply not lose anything of (your) value if you wake up one day and have gotten bored with the business; or that you simply don’t believe in your own idea. So lots of red flags if someone with mostly an idea shows up promising too much of the future, but nothing in the now.

    Secondly, AI simply isn’t anywhere near being able to do this work on its own. So when you talk about seconds rather than weeks I’m going to have to assume that you’re not talking about a support tool to help the lawyer quicker do their thing, and it’s a huge red flag if you expect AI to independently just replace a lawyer making sure a contract actually means what people expect of it and can survive being challenged. You either don’t understand your own trade, or you don’t understand the current limitations of so called AI.

    Lawyers get paid good money because they’re needed, and because they can spot what might be a minor detail but still be the difference between a client having a successful business or a nightmare ending with a bankruptcy. AI can at most be a support tool to that.

    Legal is also not sexy in the AI space

    That’s because it’s not applicable in the way that people want it to be.

    Show me a decent idea that actually would work, especially one validated with an existing MVP (like you say you have), and I would push people out of the way to have a coffee and a talk with that founder.

    If you don’t see people come running it’s either because you don’t have what you think you have, or because you’re rubbish at explaining what you have. And either of that would be a valid enough red flag for competent techies to think of you as a waste of their time.

    • TheCustardPants@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      No offence but you really don’t understand legal work 😂😂😂 this is the most dumb post I’ve seen in a while