After getting rejected by investors for our first startup, we spoke to some consultants who helped us re-vamp our business model and pitch deck. After this, we were able to land more investor meetings and received better feedback. After speaking to other founders, we realized one of the issues was that it was very difficult to receive feedback from investors after being rejected, and speaking to consultants can be expensive.

That’s why we built Fornax, a tool that provides founders with instant, slide-by-slide feedback to improve their pitch decks.

We built the MVP in ~3 weeks and received good initial feedback. After some tweaks, we went live but really struggled to gain traction. We felt like we were hitting a wall in terms of constantly chasing our own networks.

Last week, I spent 2+ days posting Fornax on every directory listed here and today we hit over 1K users.

Most of these directories were fairly straightforward and I had all the standard responses (problem, solution, product description etc) in a word doc so I was simply copying and pasting. This really helped. Now we have several user interviews lined up.

For any founders who are looking to refine their pitch deck, Fornax is live and free.