Built a web based quiz about football but struggling to work out how to get users to find and try it.


There are already similar ones. The differentiator at the moment is that there are different types of quiz/question and you can do as many of the quizzes as you’d like rather than waiting for another one tomorrow.

I have plans for more unique quiz types too as well as leaderboards/friend challenges but feels like a waste of effort before I’ve been able to get a few users and a bit more feedback.

Be interested to hear about any ideas for how to attract users - unfortunately I don’t have any budget. Thanks

  • ShajKar@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    hey, you built a football quiz - that’s pretty cool. to get people to play, hit up where the football fans hang out online. think reddit, facebook groups, twitter.

    share it not just as a link, but maybe post a tough question and challenge people to answer.

    keep it fun, like a mini-game. no cash for ads? no sweat. word of mouth is your best friend. and those leaderboards and friend challenges you’re thinking about? do 'em. it’s the stuff that’ll make folks come back and bring their pals. good luck, and keep at it!