Share your personal story here, 🙏🏻 I want to motivate. It’s a tough day.

  • Imaginary_Pin_4196@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Just remember everyone has their own personal story and the story is your whole life, not defined as one day. It might be a tough day tomorrow but the sun will always shine the next day.

  • Freedom_keys@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I grew up with a lot of childhood trauma. Thankfully, I don’t suffer from a “victim” mentality and I don’t revictimize myself over and over as I did when I was a teen. Hallelujah! BUT…I do still lack a lot of self-confidence because of it. I’ve mastered the art of fake it til you make it in all but one area- I’m not a self-starter. I have been blessed with many opportunities that fell into my lap and ended up performing well, but I need to be a self-starter to truly pursue my own “dreams”. I am currently a freelance content editor but I am still consumed by thoughts of running my own herb business. I love herbalism and it’s a passion I could get lost in. I would like to sell simple (single) herbs, herbal tea blends, tinctures, oils, and later down the line, herbal body care products. I keep making excuses to not start though, because I always want to have my ducks in a row, especially legally, before I start. That’s where I get confused, then overwhelmed, then discouraged. I literally feel like I need a step-by-step syllabus for how to start anything in life which is ridiculous. Like, how do you get started with so many licensing fees and just outright troll fees? Do you have any motivation for me?