Trying to keep this as generic as possible

I have been running a tech business for 3 years. Turnover circa 130k for the last 12 months in the UK but picking up pace quickly. I have some funding now and expect that to hit 250-300k in the next 12 months.

I have an opportunity to provide rental kit to a large conference. 150-200 units costing me around £600 each to make. I’ll get roughly £180 per unit for the rental after the venue takes their cut. I will be able to re use/resell the units afterwards but it will take me 6-12 months to clear the stock at our current rate of sales. That does not include any on site rent it /buy it or extra promotion from the event . Tentatively i think we could achieve 3 months to clearance.

So i have an outlay of up to £120K to make £36k gross. I have suppliers that might give me up to £30k on 30/60 day terms so would look to fund the rest. I dont want to give away equity and would prefer to wrapper a deal where a lender gets their 120k back plus say 18K on top.

The rentals are not guaranteed and are offered to people attending the conference, however all rentals at the last 6 events have sold out early. I have some confidence that this will work

How would you tackle this reddit folks? I think i need to find a HNW individual that will back this for a 6 month period but I am open to anyone elses experience