I have a long history of working in top tech companies but 4 years ago went into the startup world. First I cofounded a web3 crypto company where we had a very successful launch but it went downhill and I left as the other founders ran it into the ground. We had an amazing vision but failed to properly execute and delivery anything out the back end.

Then I joined another friend in his business - brought a new idea in and we changed the business vision - lots of great concepts but no actual product or revenue - trying to raise money but have not been successful yet. Now I need to go get an actual job and worried I’ll be judged poorly on not being able to be successful.

Sure its great I tried but I’m nervous I’ll be thought of as unable to execute. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a history like this. Any advice?

  • Wanderphoto221@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Mention how you joined a start company without mentioning you being part owner. Just state your role as a high level role within the business .

    Saving grace can be saying college, people don’t realize that you can put college as work history, on home loans/ car loans and other