Posting this for my wife

She runs an in home elder care business. She has a long background as a caretaker and decided to start it earlier this year. Although not sure if I’d really call it a business yet because it’s just her. She’s basically a freelance caretaker.

She shows up to the peoples homes, will do some chores around the house, run some errands for these people, check up on them, and give a report to their families on how they’re doing.

She’s been getting a lot of referrals but she doesn’t have any more time on the schedule to handle those accounts so she’s been thinking about bringing on other caretakers to work under her.

Our concern with this is obviously safety. The fear would be hiring a caretaker that seems nice and experiences and they’re mean to the old people or try to take advantage of them somehow or worse.
And also, one bad apple could ruin the company. Word gets around that one of your caretakers was treating people bad and you’re done.

Dealing with seniors is touchy. It’s basically like dealing with small children, and you’d be SUPER cautious about hiring a random person to go and take care of a small child for all the obvious reasons.
Looking for you all to help brain storm a little here…

What are some creative ways you can think of to keep the situation safe and mitigate risk?

It would be cool to have a small body cam or something on people but that would probably be to invasive and weird for the clients.

Would love your opinion.