Hey Everyone!

I see many posts here asking about how to find a problem, and I want to share a quick tip: finding users is much easier when your tool solves an existing pain point/inconvenience for them.

If you are looking for a problem, it might take a long time to find an idea or, worse, spend a lot of time building something people don’t need and end up disappointed. If you don’t know what to make, maybe start evaluating your professional experiences, hobbies, backgrounds, or experience.

For example, for Typogram, we started with the problem of entrepreneurs trying to bootstrap / DIY their logos. I encountered this pain point directly from my professional experience as a designer. I had founder friends who used platforms like Fiver but didn’t get fruitful results. In the end, some of them used tools like PowerPoint to create logos, but they didn’t have guidance, and the logos were not functional or suitable.

You have to pay attention. If you experience a pain point, some other people might, too - and that could be an excellent place to start.

Once you identified the problem, write down some places where you can find people who experience the same pain points. These places can be:

  • Forums, i.e. Reddit, Indiehackers
  • Facebook Groups
  • Meetups
  • Craiglist
  • Discord, Slack, etc.

You can then talk to them to learn more about what they are experiencing.

Hopefully, this post can be helpful for someone trying to start their product, and I hope they avoid the costly mistake of looking for a problem.