Hi everyone,

I answer questions quite often in this group, so you might have seen me around. I am currently doing some market research because I honestly just want to create something really, tangibly good for helping product-based businesses online.

I’m not here to sell you anything, so without all the fluff, here’s my pitch: a 1:1 call purely for research purposes and this will include a free strategy session for any questions you may have regarding your Shopify store, getting sales, email marketing, whatever you feel lost on in creating consistent orders for your business currently.

Okay but who the heck am I? I’m a brand designer and web developer turned product marketing strategist. I built my family’s ecom store from 0 to 6-figures and I work with clients to do the exact same thing.

I am looking to connect with and interview product brands as follows:

- Product-based business with a current online store
- At least a few sales online, non-dropshipping, American-based

- You have some connection to your niche

- You want to build a community

- You have values you want to infuse into your brand (family-owned, Christian-based, Veteran run, etc.)

If you are interested in hopping on this research/strategy call, I would greatly appreciate it. Just let me know and I can private message you a calendar booking link.

Rachael :)